2004/09-2008/07 本科 哈尔滨工业大学(软件工程)
2008/09-2010/11 硕士 哈尔滨工业大学/波尔多第一大学(软件工程/自动化,生产与信号)
2010/11-2014/02 博士 法国洛林大学(自动化、信号与图像处理、计算机工程)
2014/03-2018/05 博士后 巴西巴拉那州天主教大学(工业4.0与智能制造)
2018/12-今 副教授 华侨大学
[1]Yongxin Liao; Eduardo Rocha Loures; Fernando Deschamps; Industrial Internet of Things: A Systematic Literature Review and Insights, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(6): 4515-4525
[2]Yongxin Liao; Hervé Panetto; Paulo Cézar Stadzisz; Jean Marcelo Simão; A notification-ori ented solution for data-intensive enterprise information systems - A cloud manufacturing case, En terprise Information Systems, 2018, 12(8-9): 942-959
[3] Yongxin Liao; Fernando Deschamps; Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures; Luiz Felipe Pierin Ram os; Past, present and future of Industry 4.0 - a systematic literature review and research agenda proposal, International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(12): 3609-3629
[4] Yongxin Liao; Mario Lezoche; Hervé Panetto; Nacer Boudjlida; Semantic annotations for sem antic interoperability in a product lifecycle management context, International Journal of Produc tion Research, 2016, 54(18): 5534-5553
[5] Yongxin Liao; Mario Lezoche; Hervé Panetto; Nacer Boudjlida; Eduardo Rocha Loures; Semant ic annotation for knowledge explicitation in a product lifecycle management context: A survey, Co mputers in Industry, 2015, 71: 23-34